The Forgotten Ex Turned Finsub: It's Definitely You

You should be thanking them, really. More so than you already do. Your ex and her new man have given you something you never had before: structure, purpose, a reason to feel confident in your true, pathetic being. You still work like a dog, you still go to sleep alone, and your phone is still drier than your ex’s pussy whenever you got naked, but you have a routine now, and it’s all about them.

The world revolves around them and you wouldn’t want it any other way. You’ve been rewarded with a small opportunity to make a presence in their lives: their personal little human atm. At first you didn’t know how you’d feel if you were only wanted for your cash, but the moment you dispensed for them for the first time, it was over for you. You were locked in and you see no reason to ever stop being a little bitch for them. They say it so lovingly: bitch boy. Human ATM to be used. Inanimate object to do whatever they pleased with.

Self-involved they are, and rightfully so. Any hopes of being anything more to her, to him? Unfathomable. You’d never risk your place in life now. You’ve waited your whole life to be used to your full capacity. What would someone like you be doing with gods like them? You’re a blemish in their presence, and to be able to hear their conversations, a chance at their thoughts, it’s a gift you’ll never give up. One you’ve traded all your financial endeavors for.

You used to be quite good at saving money, as most men who find themselves alone typically do. No wife, not even a casual girlfriend to chuck your money at. The one woman who ever took a chance on you did so as a ploy to get her man jealous, but all parties knew it was a joke. Your short relationship was the sham of the century as she was quickly swept up in the magnetic pull her man always had on her. It was inevitable she would leave you and return to his bigger, bulkier arms. You had nothing on him.

Spending your money on them, without them having to tell you to do so? It’s the least you can do. A big, fat monetary thank you in response to all the times they ever laughed at or ignored you. Of course he pays for everything for her, but you always felt the need to reimburse her no matter what. She deserves to profit from enjoying her life. Tea time, shopping sprees, decadent hotels in countries you’ve never even heard of. Before you met them, you had no idea that there were boots out there that cost as much as an old, used car. Now you know so much better. You’re cultured now. Everything is all on your tab, and you’ll never be more grateful. You’re not the reason for their happiness, you’re not even close to being instrumental in how successful their lives are, but you get to fall asleep knowing you gave it your all, everything to the most worthy. For that, you’ll stay forever.

Diana Tarinova