Dating App Horror Stories: They're Always Too Nice

There’s a reason you troll online. It’s simple: you’re a whore for the attention. Not just any kind of attention though: the worst kind. The type you get when you’ve pushed an innocent soul’s buttons too far, the kind that only shows itself when you’ve made a person tick, pushed them over the edge. You want raw, unadulterated backlash. Verbal assault, if you will. Your idea of sweet nothings is being ignored for hours only to be acknowledged with an insult to your character. Being verbally humiliated is your love language.

You don’t know what the root is. Maybe your parents didn’t love you enough. Mom didn’t let you suck on her tit when you were a baby, you were so unwanted. Or maybe you’ve always been a bad one who bloomed into the most hate-worthy of adults, the “devil’s advocate” type of obnoxious that teachers always avoided calling on. The only reason you had friends growing up is because you and all the other toxics banded together, creating a cult to terrorize others, professionals at provocation for what seemed like no reason. There was a reason though… and if the rest of them didn’t feel the need for it, you certainly did: you wanted to fall in love, just once, and you needed her to be nasty.

All the girls you ever liked—you pride yourself in your high standards so there weren’t many—were cruel, hard bitches. Bitchy women: the type not to say thank you when you hold the door open because you should be thanking her for crossing paths with you. The type to go on a date with you only to pluck your wallet from your hands, fish out all the cash, take a picture of your ID so she can use your information, just to throw it back at you from across the table. Your dream is for her to throw her drink at you, cause a public spectacle just for her to force you on the ground and kowtow to her. Apologize for being you. Apologize for taking up space in her world. Apologize for the inconvenience your breathing has caused her. Why is this so hard to find?

Why is it nearly impossible to find a woman who slaps your balls, full force, just for fun? Why is it sooo hard to find someone who wants to make you cry during sex? All you want is to be destroyed by a woman who knows how to do you worse than anybody ever has. The woman of your dreams will give you lifelong psychological damage, and you’ll settle for nothing less.

Such is the struggle when perusing all of these god-awful dating apps. Everyone is just too nice. Asking you about your day, where you’re from, what your hobbies are. Where are the women who simply don’t give a fuck about you? The ones who make it clear from the get-go this relationship is all about her and any information she collects about you is volunteered at the risk of being mocked and laughed at. She doesn’t care how you are. She doesn’t want to know how you spent your weekends, what your best friend’s name is, how your relationship with your mom is, what your dreams are like. You’ve always been a hard one to crack but with this type of woman… you’d only ever be an endless font of details unasked for, just to entertain her, just to give her a reason to laugh you out of the room. Anything to see her smile.

The problem with these apps is that they eliminate the friends to torturous d/s relationship pipeline from the get-go. Everybody wants to be a sweetheart and it’s fucking disgusting. Absolutely revolting. You’ve Pavlov’ed yourself into getting nauseous upon opening the app. Every time you see a “hey :)” you have to resist from throwing your phone into the river. It’s too much. You just want to be berated by a hot girl so badly, and you don’t want to pull the strings or put words in her mouth. You want bitchiness, disrespect, and deceit unprompted. You want her to show you a world of hurt you’ve never known before. You have to be used in order to feel something.

You can imagine her now: eyes that speak more than her mouth does, a constant look of disapproval, and the airs like she’d rather be anywhere but here, with you. The type that would leave you for dead and take your wallet before she does. The kind that has you saying thank you when she inevitably transforms you into her little bitch, you’d do anything for her. Anything. You’d never cum again so long as it pleases her. You spent a lifetime looking for her and now? You’ll do anything to keep her happy.

Diana Tarinova