Give Your Blessing To Your Best Friend To Marry Your Girlfriend

Everybody loves them together. They’re sooo cute. Nobody is angry, or even cares, about her cheating on you with him. I mean, look at them. Beautiful, brilliant, superior in every way. You could never.

Nobody cares that she took your virginity. Nobody cares that she was your first love. Nobody cares that you had been best friends since grade school. All of this is irrelevant because nobody gives a fuck about you. You’re completely forgettable. A weed on the wall that doesn’t know how to speak up for himself. You watched it all happen, and you didn’t do shit. You watched them fall in love right before your eyes and you didn’t have the balls to say anything. How could you? When you’re just so utterly obsessed with watching them be so perfect together. Sometimes you can’t decide if you’d rather be him or be with him; better than you in every way, of course he stole your girl.

She was the type of woman who made you second guess your existence every time she texted you. How could this be your life? Getting to go on dates, shopping, trips with her… it’s all too good to be true. And it was, she was never really yours, and you can’t even be mad because you know after her no one will ever be as good. It’s all downhill from her. You know you’ll spend years looking for her in everyone else and you’ll never succeed. To even think about cutting the cord with her is something so painful you don’t even hurt anymore, you’ve simply accepted that you’ll always be a simp for her, even if it means watching her live her best life with your best friend.

Why didn’t you fight for her? Why didn’t you cause a scene? Apart from your spineless, soft, sad existence, you’d like to think you didn’t have a choice anyways. That’s what you tell everyone—that they were already in love, and what good would it do trying to fight that? The truth is you jerk off to the thought of them together every night. Her kissing him, fucking him, doing things with him she never did with you because you’re too much of a bitch to know how to do it like him. You stepped aside because you know your place, below the both of them, a cuckolded bitch that nobody feels bad for because it’s all so right.

In a year, when they get married, they’ll conveniently forget to send you an invitation to their beautiful countryside wedding, and you’ll send them a check, like the little bitch you are, just so they remember you exist just for a second. It won’t surprise them, of course, they’re used to the random sends by you. You see it as your duty to take care of her even though you’re not together anymore. You still love her a little… and besides, she has a lifestyle to maintain. You don’t expect anything in return from them, and the fact that they haven’t blocked you off social media you take as a continuous thank you. You love lurking their lives from afar, it’s so much better than you could have done for her, and for that reason you’re not mad. You’re kind of really grateful your best friend took your girlfriend from you.

Diana Tarinova