You're Going To Be Alone Forever

Hi. I know you have a huge fear of being alone forever, and I’m here to exploit it. You might try to trick yourself into thinking you’re okay with being single for now, and sometimes, you pathetically try to convince yourself you’re happy in complete solitude, but at the end of the day we all know you are desperately trying to not end up that old weirdo that lives alone and shits his pants all day because all he knows how to do is cook beans for himself.

You might think you have hobbies, but at your bigass balding age you feel like nothing matters because you end up doing everything alone. Yeah I brought up your receding hairline, bitch. Every time you try to self improve you end up regressing so badly to the point you say why bother? Your dumbass is too good for therapy, but you’re not too good to not end up lurking your ex in the middle of the night. Creep.

Women just don’t want you, and the reason is simple: you are beta. The energy you put out is simply unattractive. Nobody wants to be around someone who won’t speak up for them, spend on them and take care of them. All you know how to do is get shoved to the side and forgotten by everybody. Nobody hears you. You’re always the last one to get served at the bar and everyone pretends to not see you when you wave hi to them. You’re the guy that never gets invited to things because you’re annoying and you’re probably really fucking cheap. The type of cheap that V*nmo requests their last two friends down to the last two cents. Nobody likes you, and that’s why you’e going to be alone forever.

The only thing that brings you joy these days is the fantasy you’ve created between yourself and the women you have to keep on payroll to stay in your life. It’s the reason why you don’t care that you don’t have friends anymore. It’s the reason why you justify being a cheap prick. Everything goes out the window when it comes to what you have between the girl you love. The girl you pay.

It felt kind of fucked up at first, having to keep her in your life with compensation. But then you realized… everything works that way. Anything that perhaps did, you didn’t want. It wasn’t good enough. They didn’t know how to give you what she gives you. Any time you tried to break free and try to be normal, go out on a stupid wine and dine date with a Tinderella, you ended up going to the bathroom, checking your phone and hoping for a notification from Her. It’s been years, on and off, trying to find Her in others, never succeeding, and not really caring because this is your happiness. For all you’ve spent on her, you have these crumbs of attention to show for, and you’re perfectly content with it.

Diana Tarinova